
Guidelines for Reviewers

Empowering You with Trusted Insights and Unbiased Reviews

National beauty UK was formed with complete openness and honesty in mind. Enabling consumers to utilise powerful tools where you can share and discover real and honest reviews, allowing you to share and connect with trusted businesses to help them improve.

Our businesses have been carefully analysed and have gone through an approved process so we ask for complete respect! Fake reviews are not acceptable on our platform. We adhere to our rules & regulations with a strict policy when it comes to reviewing our business users. Our assessment team are dedicated to assessing each and every review which is flagged to us with a thorough investigation process and these reviews will be removed if we feel inappropriate or false.

Let's work together on helping the beauty and wellness industry thrive!

When to write a review

You should only write an honest good or bad review when you have experienced buying or receiving a service from the particular business. We only accept real and genuine experience reviews.We ask for reviews to be submitted if you have had a recent experience with the company (within 12 months) and we do not allow reviews which have been incentivised by the company or a third party competitor business in order to try and damage the company reputation.Keep all reviews fresh, clean and honest giving valuable feedback.

When NOT to write a review

It goes without saying, if you have not had a genuine real life experience with the business you want to review and have been otherwise persuaded to write a fake / dishonest review this is not acceptable and will not be published for various reasons.We DO NOT accept fake reviews written in order to damage a company's reputation

Always keep proof of your bad experiences

If you have had a bad experience and want to show some feedback on a company page then please endeavour to keep some evidence which could be documentation, screenshots or emails which you may be asked to prove by our assessment team.

Be genuine

Nobody likes dishonesty, especially National Beauty UK! Be respectful to our platform and don’t use any defamatory, abusive, hateful or obscene language. We do not condone harmful, bullying or threatening comments. These comments will be removed straight away.

Editing or deleting reviews

We do accept your choice of editing or deleting a review (we get sometimes things are done in anger) but we do not accept deleting an honest review if you have been persuaded or incentivised by the business. This then takes away the transparency we implement throughout our platform.

Flagging reviews

All businesses on our platform are entitled to flag reviews. These reviews are passed onto our assessment team for careful investigation and if they breach our guidelines we will take action and remove any fake or abusive comments.

Misuse of our platform

We're totally here for free speech and believe everybody has a right to say and feel how they want. However, If a business flags a review and we accept your comments are breaching our guidelines and rules we may temporarily hide this review and ask for you to edit some comments to show a little more integrity and honesty. Our assessment team will send you our guidelines on reviewing if you are unsure.We have the right to permanently delete your account if we feel you are misusing our National beauty UK platform.